Friday, January 22, 2010

My First Year Blog Review

2009, what a crazy messed up year that was! 2010 has already been much better (whew!) and I can't wait to type about it. First, I want to look over and review my first year of blogging. Smiley Grimm's Macro-Halo has had its share of ups and downs, let us examine.

Meet the Beezleboss! was my introduction. Yay! It was okay I suppose, in a weird and cryptic sort of way. It also features a picture of me, that I posted in a quirky manner because I didn't know an easy way to do it.

Next came Cave Drawings, which is really the first post. This was an attempt to figure out the tone and style of my posts. Noob alert!

The next few posts were life updates (boring) and where spread out over a long period of time due to computer problems. Eventually, we arrived at I just found out Santa isn't real, which I really liked. Equal parts rant and despair, I think this is the first post that actually comes off as slightly coherent. Success!

After some old lyrics I wrote, we find ourselves in either a busy month, or one where I had nothing better to do than blog. The month of May saw a record seven posts, like whoa! Highlights being: Fun With Real History, Pt. 1, and Can I Get A Mulligan? Pt. 1. These posts, a couple of faves of mine, brought me my first fan mail AND hate mail, rockin'! Yes, someday there will be sequels to those posts.

After more computer problems and further 2009 turmoil, we come to October, which is where I feel I really started to get an idea of how I want to blog. "May we suggest lying?" is near and dear to me, for no reason really.

Pretty much November and December are one and the same. I like all of my posts in those two months and worked on them nearly every day. I assume you have read them, and you will probably agree with me, that I found my footing in the blog world, for better or worse, somewhere mixed in the chaos of: You gotta cut down trees to build a paper house, 5 Gnarly Ways to Die, Art Party, all the way to Traditions With Scissors.

If I had to pick just one post as my favorite, it would probably be: Fun With Real History, Pt. 1. By tomorrow that is likely to change. Oh well.

See you again soon.

Smiley Grimm


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