Saturday, January 3, 2009

Meet the Beezleboss!

This is not the greatest blog in the world. This is just a tribute. For you see, my other bloggerific, which was in fact the greatest blog in the world, was deleted. I felt the world was not ready for such greatness, thus I threw the kill-switch. So reconfigure, realign, readjust your orbital-optico photo-receptacles, and say hello to the Beezleboss.


//This goggled construct consists primarily of organic parts. Such a shame the genetic make-up is not without flaws, though, a bald man holding the keys to the universe is probably not poster worthy. Mental copy initiated. Id transfer commencing. Download complete. Reroute to remain. Primary systems online. Sub-routines below optimal. Trigger volume set for ghost processes.//xx

Twenty-eight Earth orbits, each packed with stories to share, equal my time on this sphere. The weekday routine consists of pizza delivery followed by creative output. Eating is optional. Non-work days are filled with void and vegetative states. Eating is still optional. Attention deficit dictates prolonged participation in many simultaneous activities and projects. Most of which are never completed nor abandoned. Because of this I never really know what I am about to do or do I know what I am currently doing. This leads to much frustration amongst my friends and loved ones. I am a mental vagabond. An activity gypsy. Beats being bored.

//Nerotransmitter Stimuli (Serotonin, Dopamine, etc..)

  • Bass Guitar: training began at age 13.
  • Heavy Metal Band: has performed before live audiences since age 17.
  • Video Games: birth to present. Subject boasts an impressive Gamerscore and game completion percentage.
  • Reading: from sci-fi to fantasy and everything in between, with emphasis on ancient history.
  • Writing: creative, with subjects as varied as reading interests. The gammat of love and war.

[Analysis:] Pavlovian Responses.//xx

Anyway, for my own amusement I shalt catalog what I will when I will. This is an exercise in mental acuity, finger nimbility, and writing prowess for the long cold space flights ahead.

Now pay tribute.


Smiley Grimm


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