Monday, January 19, 2009

The black-eyed peas aren't working...

Chaos Theory is a neat concept and one I am inclined to believe. If you trace any occurrence back far enough you can find its point of origin. The genesis of any disaster can be discovered if you look hard enough.

...New Year's Eve - 2008

My band is a couple hours from downbeat at the Dead Dog Barn, a quaint little dig in the outskirts of Dallas on a few acres of untilled farmland. Now, I am not the most social of folk so I usually skip out on these beer soaked raunch-fests and retreat to the comfy confines of my truck. There I watched my all time favorite movie: Edward Scissorhands. Not long after the roll of the end credits we welcomed in the New Year with some blazing thrash metal.

Good times.

The next day at work (January 1st) my co-workers decided to eat some black-eyed peas, which is some sort of superstitious social protocol that I was never aware of, and feeling sporty I joined in. I hate beans and never eat them so I had to force down one bean with a fistful of ham. Yum.

Luck ensues...

...January 10th. 8:50pm.

We pizza dudes make most of our money in the tips from our customers. When you deliver a pie and do not receive a gratuity, you refer to that transaction, or lack there of, as a "stiff." Thus far the week had seen a myriad of stiffs, and a myriad of frowns by me. You see, I am saving money for my first HDTV and desperately need money. My customers don't seem to share that desperation. Foolish mortals.

On a routine run to a nifty little squat known as "Sotogrande" I experience none other than my first mugging. Well, my first mugging while on the job. Not so "grande" if you ask me. I was accosted by three black males and one black female. They hit me in the face from behind with some sort of blunt weapon and tried to drag me into an alcove to further punish me for not being them. Unfortunately for those ruffians I don't go down that easily.

After a brief tussle I dramatically brandished a shiny pocket knife and sent them running. They tried to get my money but all they managed was a ruined order of pepperoni pizza and a close shave. Those meanies.

A majority of the rest of the night was spent riding around with police detectives, knocking on doors, checking back alleys, and keeping a watchful eye out for those worthless dregs that robbed me. This, of course, prematurely ended my night of tip gathering and in effect cost me money. My first HDTV is that much farther away now. Thanks.

Oh yeah, I had a busted up face too. My lips were cut open, bleeding, and so swollen I couldn't close my mouth.

I would have loved to write about it on this groovy little blog, but my computer is now in Davey Jones’ Locker. Luckily, I managed to borrow a compute just long enough for this entry.

In the wake of this beautiful chaos I follow the source of the ripples and it leads me back to the black-eyed pea I ate Jan. 1st. You see, I had never eaten them before. This is what I get for being willing to try new things. My parents gave me guff my whole life for not eating a well balanced meal. Now look what happens. Goodness me.



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