Saturday, July 4, 2009

A month later...

For the Month of May I gave blogging a good effort and managed more posts than any other month previously. Then June happened. Nothing. Whoops! I do have a tendency to polarize.

Technically, I did make some posts, just not here. I have become a forum regular over at my favorite video game hub On that site I posted over 150 times and wrote two video game blogs for the site. I am not sure if in-depth gaming bloggings would work here or not, I approach this page with a different mind, and so I will leave those for the other site. Or not. Who knows? Whatever.

June saw me leave behind some things, and in turn, take up new ones. Like anyone else out there trying to traverse The Waters of Life, I too get wet in my efforts to swim. You see, I am a man of passions and obsessions. I am always involved in some project or hobby. When those activities remove themselves from my focus, I reflexively dive into other attention garnering delectables. For example, two major recipients of my limited attention span have drifted away. One, I no longer have a girlfriend. Two, my band is still drowning in an ocean of sea-sick inducing hiatus.

My relationship dissolved because we, who began as castaways on a deserted island, set out across the seas in different directions. One, guided by stars, sailing in search of uncharted lands. The other, following maps and navigational tools, in search of a place to call home. We are still friends, we are just no longer together. Over time we grew apart and weren't making each other happy anymore, despite the love. We each found new places to live and have carried on with our lives. Life floats on.

Finding a new drummer has been a lesson in aggravating futility. It is like trying to find a needle in a hay stack, while blindfolded. You just hope to get stabbed when you reach blindly into the heap. Both the search and the find can result in a bloodletting. We have a possible try-out, but much to our chagrin, we will have to completely flip our daily schedules in order to jam with the neonate. I normally don't wake up before 4p.m. and if we jam with the new guy, I will have to arise before noon. Ack! That's rock n' roll I suppose. No rest for the wicked.

To compensate for the lack of meaningful attention sinks, I have taken up an old hobby I abandoned back in '97. Magic: The Gathering. It is a collectible card game, where two or more players assume the role of powerful spell casting mages (wizards) and fling magic (cards with neat pictures on them) at one another in an attempt to kill the other players. Sounds nerdy, and it is, but negative connotations aside, it is really no different than poker. High cards beat low cards, and players try to deplete the other players life points, or in the case of poker, chips.

So far, it has helped fill some of the void in my life, while simultaneously emptying my bank account. I did make the mistake, though, of choosing a hobby that requires multiple players, and I don't have many friends. In fact, none of my few friends can get past the nerdy stereotype and refuse to play. I sit atop a mountain of thousands of cards and have no one to play with. Oh well, like I said, at least the cards have pretty pictures on them. I will have to search the comic book stores and hobby shops for other people to play with. Kind of sucks because I wont know any of these people, but screw it, I want to play.

What inspired me to get back into Magic was the release of a video game version of it for Xbox Live Arcade. They did a marvelous job of translating a table-top collectible card game into a video game and I have spent countless hours playing it. I figured, why not get into the real deal as well? We will see how long this lasts before I find myself adrift once again, or rather, before I notice I am adrift.

Anyway, there are more stories to tell and flawed insights to share, but I have the rest of the month for that.


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