Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Speaking Of Destruction...

This story isn't capturing many headlines.

Have you heard what North Korea has been up to lately? NK decided to test fire missiles, one ground-to-air and one ground-to-ship. Don't forget that they recently detonated an atomic bomb underground! All of this violates U.N. resolutions against them. Think about it, there are a lot of places that can be destroyed within missile range of their border. The leaders of U.N. countries are meeting, drawing up even more resolutions, and engaging in dramatic rhetoric. We know how our leaders feel about NK's brazen and hostile actions, but more importantly, how do we the people feel?

Look at history: rogue nations always eventually succumb to the containment of the peace seeking world, internal coup, or economic collapse. Regimes bent on world domination and enslavement haven't met much success, and on a less extreme scale, countries governed by insane modern day pirates haven't amounted to much either. Then again, when in history has any of those "axis" nations possessed weapons of mass destruction? You could argue for regimes of yore, but they weren't really of North Korea's ilk.

Kim Jong Il has either an over abundance of testicles or a hyper deficiency of brain cells. His past actions have painted him a psychotic, not a global threat to liberty. What can NK possibly have to gain by waving an atomic middle finger at the world? Perhaps they just want to be a bully, gain some respect out of fear, and force others into doing their bidding? With a nuclear threat looming over us NK may just be hoping that the world sees them as too much of a bother to deal with. "Give me a cookie or I'll shoot!"

I deal with this frequently as a pizza delivery expert. Some customers will try to out hassle me in order to get their way. Maybe they want cheaper food, or don't want to show me the credit card they used over the phone, or don't want to write their driver's license number on a check. They will fight, and sigh, and make a big to do about what I ask of them. It's so hard to write a DL number on a slip of paper. I will calmly inform them that I can wait longer than they can and will not budge, or give them their food, until I have my way, and before long, they cave and give me what I require. Knowing they had no ground to stand on to begin with, they were hoping that I didn't have the stomach to fight them back. They soon discover that I always win.

Think about it. This problem isn't going to just go away. Actions will have to be taken. If nothing is done to stop NK, they WILL have the capabilities to destroy the world in short order. It doesn't take many atomic bombs to bring about our end. It takes even fewer to cause a major hassle.

Scenario one.

NK decides to punish South Korea's attempts at combating the North Korean pirates smuggling weapons in and out of NK. What does the rest of the world do? Invade? We invade, with hopes of dethroning Kim Jong Il, and a hidden A-Bomb detonates below ground, destroying the invasion force, and kills thousands of civilians in close proximity. Radioactive fallout kills crops in China, Japan, North and South Korea, and reaches all the way to Hawaii. Water becomes undrinkable in neighboring countries, and the poisonous aftermath claims even more lives. Now the country that stepped in to stop NK just triggered a chain of events that killed millions. Was it worth it? Mr. Il may have destroyed himself, but he caused a lot of damage on the way out. What a hassle.

Scenario two.

There are people that want to see us dead. Trace it back to Xerxes, the Persian Empire, and beyond. Their mission in life is to see the collapse of western civilization and the enslavement of all who are not them. This war has been fought for over two thousand years, even though most people aren't aware of it. The declaration of war against the west, written by Xerxes' father, Darius The Great, still stands to this day and thousands of soldiers fight his eternal war. Occasionally, they strike a blow against us and remind us that this war is not over. See: 9-11. This war will not end until one side wipes out the other.

We undermine most of their sinister machinations, but on a long enough time line, they do slip one past us and we sustain a bloody nose. Try as we might, we can't stop everything. Compare them to a burglar. Really, home security systems can only prevent so much. If someone is determined enough, they will find away past your security, or just drive a truck into your living room and grab your t.v.. Anyone can kick in your front door at any moment and shoot you. Fact of life. It's not a matter of "if" it's a matter of "when." We will see more attacks. It's inevitable. Do you see where I am going with this?

How easy it would be for an evil cult, organization, or rogue militant group to acquire WMDs from NK. If that happens, then the terrorist is just a border hop away from back-pack nuking a major U.S. city. The technology exists for small portable nukes. It can happen. Considering Murphy's Law, it will happen. 9-11 happened, what's to stop something even worse? The only limit to annihilation is total annihilation. Mr. Il sticking it to us via someone else’s jihad.

Sure, those are extreme situations and a lot of things have to fall into place for any of that to come true, but draw up any other possibility and where does it lead? Peace or war? I think we are about to experience some major hardship and devastation. On the bright side, it was WWII that pulled the U.S.A. out of The Great Depression and ushered in the baby boom. This could be the kind of fright that we need.

Have you read or seen "Watchmen?" This is the story it tells. It may be sad, but it is our own fault. Most people assume that the problems of the world are taking place over seas and are there for someone else to deal with. Thanks to technology no where is safe anymore. We are at the mercy of maniacal whims and zealous fanaticism. Being realistic and aware is your best defense. The only way for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

Smiley Grimm


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