Saturday, June 26, 2010

Still Alive: Monkeys and Juices

For the most part I am a terrible manger of time. There are many things I should do, but don't. There are many things I want to do, but don't, and that is a problem. Well, it would be a problem if I cared.

Bills should pay themselves. Or at least we should all be assigned bill-paying monkeys. I would plant, water, and provide sunshine for a bill-paying monkey. You are supposed to keep monkeys in damp soil, right? Well, I suppose there is the problem of depending on a potted monkey to earn money, but we’ll peel that banana when we get to it.

Where can I get seeds for this?

So what have I been ignoring and what have I been doing?

One thing I have obviously been procrastinating on is this blog. Though I still jot notes and brainstorm over possible postings, I haven’t taken the time to actually write one in a while. This is mostly due to me being like a creativity lemon. My juices have been squeezed out and deposited into too many drinks. Some drinks have been made more tasteful at the expense of others. I’ve been over squozen, as it were.

My band—another time and creativity-juice sink—is doing OK. We play shows and stuff. It has been strange getting out and playing shows again after a year break. The music scene kind of sucks now compared to how it was half a dozen years ago, but that may just be Good Ol’ Days Syndrome. Either way, gigging has not been as fun or rewarding as I had hoped. My band rocks but it doesn’t seem like too many others agree with me. I’ll just take that to mean the world cannot fathom the depth of our awesomeness.

Getting together with my old pals and playing a ton of Magic: The Gathering has been fun. We play so much that we have our own meta-game brewing. Building new decks to try against my foes is time consuming, but it sure beats sweeping up the pube farm that’s growing around my toilet. It’s a game of strategy and creative design. My juices are all over it.

I have devoted most of my attention, however, to a story I am writing. With any luck it will be my ticket out of the pizza biz, as not fun and unrewarding as delivery is. If I can make a cool million off a book, then hopefully, I can accomplish my dreams. Like moving to New Mexico and growing a potted monkey farm.


Smiley Grimm

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