Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I just found out Santa isn't real.

Yeah, I live in a fantasy world. Can you blame me? I want to live in a world where magic is taught to children in extra-dimensional schools, where dragons patrol the skies, where UFOs abduct stupid people, where bigfoot prowls the forests, and where ghosts give us the creeps. Come on, I pay my taxes, is the fantastic too much to ask?

At some point in my early life I came to the realization that the world in my head was a far more interesting place to reside. My imagination is fueled by the fiction I read in books and watch on television. Reality is just so bland.

Sometimes, I foolishly get my hopes up and become excited at the prospect that our world isn't as boring as I once thought. Man will on occasion discover a species, a lost relic, discover a new heavenly body, or otherwise color our existence with something that seems unbelievable. On a personal scale, I can watch the pursuit of such marvels on several television shows. My favorites include: Monster Quest and UFO Hunters on History Channel, and Ghost Hunters on Sci-Fi.

I must preface this and say that I am not a blind believer in ghosts or bigfoot. Unless I can see something with my own eyes I don't believe it exists. I am open to the possibility but until they are recognized by the scientific community and undeniably proved, I remain skeptical. In fact, I enjoy debunking popular amateur ghost videos, such as those seen on youtube, and pursuing down to earth logical reasons for claims of paranormal. Really, it is a serious leap in logic to assume that something experienced is "not of this world." There is always an alternative explanation. That being said, I do watch shows, like Ghost Hunters because it seems like they share my skepticism, yet they search for something still considered un-natural. I watch these shows because I want to believe, but I still want proof.

Have you seen me?

Ghost Hunters is a hugely popular television show on Sc-Fi. It usually brings in the highest rating for its time slot on cable every Wednesday when it broadcasts. One aspect of the show that has lent to its popularity is the down to earth nature of the two co-hosts. They aren't cheesy psychics or over the top spiritual mediums. They are two plumbers from Rhode Island. Two plumbers that hunt ghosts. That makes sense right? Actually, it kind of does, but I will let you research the show and familiarize yourself with it so you can figure that out.

The episodes they air are filmed half a year before they first appear on t.v. and are heavily edited and tricked up with music and narrative voice-overs. Despite this the show is still somewhat believable. At the end of each season they have accumulated a few pieces of potential paranormal evidence. I have never been totally convinced by their findings, and have at times felt they were a little over-eager is making a paranormal conclusion, but they always presented their evidence in a respectable manner. Because of the way they collected, analyzed, and revealed their findings, I always remained hopeful that they may someday find something truly remarkable. Maybe they could convince me the world isn't so boring after all.

For the past three years they have treated their fans to a special live show on Halloween night. Viewers can watch on t.v., or online, and monitor several video feeds simultaneously as the GH team investigates a supposed haunted location. I have watched these specials as well, though they hadn't amounted to much, and found these to be somewhat entertaining. It seems editing was a good idea. On Halloween '08 GH decided to treat us to something new.

Yes, I am a few months behind. I only recently joined the new millennium and acquired cable t.v.. I have always had to watch their shows on DVD. Due to not being up to date with the show I was unaware that a controversy had enveloped the GH universe.

Ignorance is bliss.

A few days ago I got around to watching the live Halloween ‘08 special on DVD. Right from the start I could sense something was amiss. They way the investigators talked to each other, their body language, the camera angles, all of it seemed different. To my horror my gut instinct was correct. Apparently, something had gone horribly awry for confusion, chaos, and cover-ups now constituted this show that I had so loved. I sat back in anguish watching something that was once so great spiral out of control into an abyss of shame.

I'm not here to argue or persuade. Watch the episode in question and you can see the source of my, and thousands of other folks, frustration. GH was busted red handed faking evidence. If you need proof look no further than the infamous "jacket tug."

I was watching my parents tell me Santa Claus wasn't real.

I would like to believe that GH wasn't always this way. I want to believe that they were enticed by the allure of wealth and ratings. It would lessen the sting if I knew that they caved before the might of a powerful corporation, and had to resort to devilry in order to save the show. It would comfort me to hear that the Halloween show was the first and only time evidence was faked. Sadly, as of this writing, lies have been buried by even more lies. The show and the paranormal community are covered in an avalanche of deceit and conspiracy. In the end you can see that the GH crew, who were once respectable and honorable, have been bought and sold. It is said that every man has a price. Nothing they have done before or since has any credibility now.

I would actually rather that the show was cancelled. My former heros would be martyrs now had they walked away and refused the dollar in exchange for honestly and truth. They would have rode triumphant into the sunset. Now I can only imagine how the people who called the GH team looking for help must feel. Think of all the devastated fans. And the children. What a mess.

I will let you do all the research and come to your own conclusions, but I am crushed. Once again I am slapped in the face by a cruel and yawning reality. Man, I own all of their stinking DVD’s, how embarrassing. Be careful when you dare to dream, you may find that the larger fantasy is playing out right before your eyes.


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